3i Inc. is proud to announce the release of version 1.3.7 of INSITE Web application. This version introduces an updated branding UI as well as the ability to announce tags in “announce” mode. Also, it introduces bugfixes adding stability across the product.
3. New in This Release
INST-296 | Introduces an updated Japanese and Korean translations |
INST-312 | Introduces new branding UI for all accounts pages (login, sign up, etc) |
INST-262 | Introduces the ability to display a public 3D Workspace via an embeddable link (this feature is temporary and is released as a Beta feature) |
INST-275 | Introduces the ability to set specific tags as in "Announce" mode. |
4. Fixes and Enhancements
INST-266 | Improves the mini-map expereince by auto-minimizing when not in use with improved interactions |
INST-98 | Improves user invite by indicating duplicate emails |
INST-278 | Fixes a bug that continuously showed the auto-blur in the"processing" state. |
INST-213 | Fixes a bug that displayed the floor plan in a magnified state when coming in from the floor plan tag. |
INST-124 | Fixes a bug that prevented auto face blur from working |
INST-291 | Fixes a bug that showed a validation error when a user with an existing enterprise account was invited to a second enterprise account. |
INST-260 | Fixes a bug that sometimes prevented the user from creating a new tag |
INST-280 | Fixes a bug: Polyline in the floor plan annotation is not working |
INST-285 | Fixes a bug: Save measurement pop-up message showing all the time |
INST-276 | Fixes a bug: When exiting measurement via the (X) in the corner does not "finish" the current measurement |