Tags can contain an image, video, or file along with description and link.
View tags
Tag list
Click a tag icon
directly on the main screen to view the tag detail. You can check the title of tag in the pop up box.
on the sidebar to activate the tag list. Here you can see the overview of all tags in the survey on the list.
and download attachments from the tag view.
On the tag list, click
on the tag to see where the tag is located on the main screen.
The size of the tag gets larger as you get closer to it.
Note: When the tag has a cover image or video,clicking on the tag’s thumbnail on the tag list will display the viewer for the media.
Add a tag
*Only for
Status | ||||
Status | ||||
Note |
Caution: Files added to one tag may not exceed 50MB, and you can attach maximum 5 files. |
Add a folder
*Only for
Status | ||||
Status | ||||
Click[+Add] on the tag list and select [Folder] to create a tag.
Enter the name of the folder.
You can drag and drop a tag into the folder.
To remove a tag, drag and drop it to the
button on top.
Hover over [
] and you can [Rename] or [Delete]. If you delete a folder, all the tags contained in the folder will be removed.
Edit a tag
*Only for
Status | ||||
Status | ||||
Edit tag
On the tag list, click
on the right side of the tag to edit tag.
Change the title, tag type & color, media, information, file, and URL.
You can edit the height of tag by dragging the tag icon up and down.
Change the location by dragging the white circle under the tag icon.
Click [Save] to save changes.
Note: You can click to delete a tag.
Announce the Tag
*Only for
Status | ||||
Status | ||||
You can use the announce feature to pin the tag to prominently convey the required information of the survey to other users.
Announce Tag 1
Set tag as announce mode
Follow the steps in the "Add a Tag" to create a tag.
check-in the "Announcements" check box located on the bottom left of the tag editing screen.
Click "Save".
Check the announcement pinned to the right side of the tag.
Announce Tag 2
View the announce
Scroll down the bar to see all the details of the announcement.
In the case of two overlapping tags, the closest one will be displayed. To see another announcement, hover your mouse over it.