3i INSITE Web Version 1.3.2
05 Aug
This Release Note is intended for users and administrators of 3i INSITE Web. It provides you with information about 3i INSITE Web v1.3.2, including new features of this release and important changes since the previous one. We recommend that you read this document before using 3i INSITE Web. This document may be updated after it is released.
IN-2330 | Improves the user experience when they attempt to use an expired invite link to 3i INSITE with a dedicated landing page |
IN-2373 | Improves the minimap by not resetting the size to fit the minimap- instead keeps the fit size static. |
IN-2374 | Improves the minimap by automatically fitting to the boundaries of the existing points, not the floor plan |
IN-2346 | Improves the angle measurement by displaying the angle of the origin point |
IN-2364 | Fixes a bug that threw a validation error when editing and saving the position of a point from the survey editor.3D builder |
IN-2391 | Fixes a bug that misaligned the points on the floor plan during the upload process |
IN-2343 | Fixes a bug that made it impossible for initially expired users to have their account verified |
IN-2363 | Fixes a bug that gave an infinite loading error when uploading a new floor plan |
IN-2236 | Fixes a bug that displayed the incorrect location of a selected building on the map |
IN-2362 | Fixes a bug that disabled the search function in the user management page |
IN-2395 | Fixes a bug that broke the floor plan annotation tool from the survey editor3D builder |