Manage users

Manage users

*This feature is ONLY for ADMIN

Admin can invite new users and assign roles using their email.

Manual Invitation

Invite user
  1. Click the [Management] button on the sidebar.

  2. Click [Users] tab.

  3. Click the [+] button on the top-right of the screen to invite a new user. And user invitation form will pop-up.

  4. Input the user email and select the user role.

  5. Click [Invite] to send an invitation. 

Note: Once a new user is invited, an invitation email is immediately sent to the user. You can check the verification status from the management panel.


Bulk Invitation

You can also invite mass numbers of users by uploading CSV file. We offer you CSV template for Download.

Bulk invitation_the user invitation form 1
  1. Click the [Management] button on the sidebar.

  2. Click [Users] tab.

  3. Click the [+] button on the top-right of the screen. The user invitation form will pop-up.

  4. Click the [CSV] button at the top right of the form to download the template.

  5. Fill out manually or synchronize attributes of E-mail and Users in your enterprise.

  6. After working on the list, export to CSV.

  7. Click the [Upload] button at the top-right of the form.

  8. Select the CSV file to upload.

Caution: Before uploading CSV files, please check 1st columns with E-mail [name@domain.com, org, net, etc.] 2nd column with roles[viewer, editor, admin].

Bulk invitation_the user invitation form 2

9. After checking the user list, click the [Invite] button on the right bottom of the form.

Bulk invitation_the user invitation form 3

10. You can see the number of users invited and the number of errors with the description. Edit the user information as needed.

11. Click the [close button] on the top right of the form to see the user list.

Note: If you invite the existing user with a different role, you will be notified. You can edit the role or email in the form.

Manage “Pending” status users

Invited users will be shown the “pending” status. During this status, the admin is able to do three things from [···] menu.

Invite user

  1. Change user role.

  2. Resend invite.

  3. Remove the invite (making the invite URL invalid).


Resend invitation

Resend invitation
  1. From [Users] screen, click [···].

  2. Click [Resend invitation].



Edit user information

Update user information
  1. Click a user on the user list to edit user information.

  2. You can edit the profile photo, name, and role.

  3. Click [Save].


Delete user account

Click a user on the user list and click [Delete] to delete the user.