Add Tag

Add Tag


Tap on building on the dashboard, and select a Tag task on the building profile.

  1. Select a spot on the floor plan to locate a tag.

  2. Tap icon to confirm the location.

  3. Tap icon to cancel/remove tag.







After locating the tag on the floor plan, add detail with contents.

1. Select tag icon type and color

2. Enter the title of a tag. The title is a required field to fill.

3. Upload media from three methods below:

  • By recording a video on site

  • By capturing a photo on site

  • By importing a photo or video from gallery

4. Select a folder if needed

5. Fill in description and tap [Save].

6. Attach the file you want. Different from media, here you can attach any files such as documents

7. Tap on [Save] button to save tag.



Caution: Files added to the tag may not exceed 50MB